May 20, 2013

Somatoline Miracle


Hey Darlings,
I have always been that type that has to work hard to keep in shape. However, there are certain things that are hard to change and those are genes. I have a tendency to cellulite and I tried many creams and gels over the last few years. My sister recommended this miracle to me and when I saw her results I could not believe. She had extensive celullite and her skin is so much better after using this for few weeks.
 I asked her to get one for me. I have not tried it yet however the results told me everything. It is not very comfortable to put it on apparently as your skins feels really hot but that should only last for 30 minutes. I cannot wait to test this. You can get it here.
Jsem typ, co vzdy musi tvrde pracovat na tom, abych si udrzela vahu. Chvili ujedu a uz to na sobe citim a bohuzel i vidim. A take mam dost silne sklony k celulitide a pouze cviceni tedy nestaci (mozna pokud jste opravdu zapaleny sportovec, ale na to nemam dostatek casu). A nekdy hraji roli i geny jako v pripade celulitidy. Ja i moje sestra k ni bohuzel mame silne sklony a ja jsem vyzkousela za posledni leta spoustu kremu a gelu. Pri posledni navsteve v Cesku jsem byla sokovana, jak se pokozka na zadecku i nohou moji sestre spravila. Opravdu obrovsky pokrok a to udajne diky tomuto zazraku. Po takovych vysledcich jsem vubec necekala a nechala si jej taky objednat. Nebo spis doslovne jsem na zakricela: OKAMZITE MI TO OBJEDNEJ :)
 Pri pouziti vas to bude asi tricet minut palit a neni to zrovna nejprijemnejsi, ale co bychom pro sebe neudelali.
Produkt si muzete koupit tady.
Love Glamazon xoxo



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