Jan 31, 2013

Little Treats...MAC

Good Morning,

You know how I love little treats, don't you? These little things can change my day and make me much happier. Every morning I always like to cheer myself with a Starbucks and I start to feel the closer it gets to the weekend the more I tend to treat myself. 
That was the case yesterday when I marched on my lunch break to Covent Garden and treated myself in MAC store with these two gorgeous things. I adore the lipstick so much it is SO CHAUD and it is so bright that you just have to keep staring at the person wearing it.
Well, I must say this was one of the better lunch breaks I have had.

Vite, ze si obcas delam male radosti, ze? Treba kazde rano si koupim kavu ve Starbucksu a den mi prijde hned veselejsi. V posledni dobe se z toho zacina stavat matematicka rovnice. Cim vice se den priblizuje k vikendu, tim vice se ma touha si delat male radosti zvysuje. 
Tak jsem si vcera zmenila rezim a v obedove prestavce (kterou normalne travim v praci a rychle neco snim) jsem si  zasla do MACU na Covent Garden a poridila odstin rtenky SO CHAUD. Uz nekolikrat se mi libil na druhych, tak jsem se konecne rozhoupala a nakup nezustal jenom u ni.
A radost byla velika!!!

Preji vsem skvely vikend.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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