Mar 24, 2013

Team your jeans with ...

Hey Darlings,
Weekend is over and let's start a week with more sort of spring combination for your jeans. I honestly cannot wait to take my Chanel pumps out however I think the snow and rain is the best weather for them. Still have to wait for first sings of spring a bit longer. Stripes are number one trend for this season so why not to wear them with your jeans. Simple and chic combo.
A uz je zase po vikendu a proc nezacit vkroceni od noveho tydne s inspiraci, ktera evokuje spise jarni pocasi. Nemuzu se dockat, az prestane prset a snezit a konecne provetram tyhle Chanel boticky. A jak vime prouzky jsou snad trendem cislo jedna v nadchazejici sezone, takze by tohle byla kazdopadne trendy a pritom nadcasova jarni kombinace. Ted uz je potreba jenom to pocasi.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Clothes: Chanel, H&M, Forever 21


  1. ja uz se taky tesim, az je obujes a nafotis!!:)

  2. Ty Chanelky jsou nádherné! Těším se na outfit s nimi. :)



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