Mar 11, 2013

New Lipsticks

Hey Sweethearts,
I did a lot of shopping around make-up counters. I buy most of the stuff at the airport and since I have been travelling a bit recently I have a lot of additions to my collection. I am a lipstick girl. I do not wear mascara that much but I always have to have something on my lips. I am not a makeup blogger and I probably will never be. I am useless when it comes to creating a perfect makeup and it would not be fair to my readers :)
The first one is Dior 999 and I decided I had to have it after I saw it on my friend Adela. The second one is MAC brave and I only got it because they did not have one of my fav shades creamsheen fanfare and I wanted something soft and neutral and the last one is actually darker in reality. I really wanted to get dark purple/burgundy but they just did not suit me so I got this one instead. It is New York Apple and I think it suits me much more than some super dark shade.
V posledni dobe jsem si nakoupila spoustu noveho makeupu. Nejsem v zadnem pripade makeup blogerka a ani guru a asi ani nikdy nebudu, ale vetsinou si veci kupuju na letisti, takze jsem toho vyuzila pri poslednich letech. Jsem vylozene rtenkova. Nenosim casto rasenku nebo stiny, ale vzdy musim mit neco na rtech.
Prvni rtenka je Dior 999, kterou jsem si zamilovala diky kamaradce Adele. Druha je MAC odstin Brave a tu jsem si poridila, protoze nemeli na sklade moji oblibenou rtenku na den Creamsheen Fanfare. A taky jsem mela zalusk na nejakou tmavou fialovou nebo burgundy, jenom jsem vedela, ze to bude orisek, protoze mi proste neslusi, tak jsem zvolila tuhle jemnejsi variantu od MACU. Odstin se jmenuje New York Apple. Vystizne.
Tak a ktera se vam libi nejvice?
Love Glamazon xoxo


  1. Nejvíc se mi na tobě líbí ta první:)

  2. Ta prva :) Ja na ruze nemam nervy, preto pouzivam len balzamy. Velmi sa mi pacia cervene ruze, bohuzial mi absolutne nepasuju :(



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