Mar 5, 2013


Hey Darlings,
You may remember that I went few weeks ago to see Carmen opera in Royal Albert Hall. I am an opera fan and this one was definitely worth it. In general I love this place and most of the performances I saw there were just brilliant.
The opera itself was just beautiful and we also got good seats. I went one Thursday after work so the only disadvantage was that I did not have time to dress up or domy hair :) You must forgive me.
Have a fabulous day.
Mozna si vzpominate pred par tydny jsem na facebooku zminovala, ze jdu na operu Carmen. Tentokrat jsem sla na predstaveni do Royal Albert Hall, kam se vzdy rada vracim. Obecne mam pocit, ze jenom samotne misto je proste tak krasne, ze z nej mam vzdy zazitek. Kazdopadne opera byla nadherna.
Jedina nevyhoda byla, ze jsem sla hned po praci a vzdy mam pocit, ze proste nemuzu v zadne pripade vypadat a upravit se podle svych predstav. A navic byla silena zima a i tma, takze zadne poradne fotografie outfitu.
A co vy a opera? Chodite nebo ne?
Preji Vam krasny den.
Love Glamazon


  1. Oh how I love going to theatre!

  2. na Carmen jsem byla nekdy vloni v narodnim a byl to uzasny zazitek :)



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