Nov 10, 2012

DIY Veiled Beanie

source:  and

Hey Darlings,

You know I am kind of DIY anti queen. I do not have time and I am not the best at doing it. I prefer to go to the shop and just buy it:) However, veiled beanies in the style of Jil Sander are so simple to make and so quick that you can create cheap and stylish addition to your wardrobe. I got this beanie in Primark for 2 £ and the material for veil for similar price in John Lewis. All you need is thread, needle and scissors to finish it. You can go for different styles either just a front veil like I did with mine or you can take inspiration from Chiara and have the net all around.

So who is up for this?

Jsem DIY lenoch a mam nesikovne ruce a hlavne nemam cas. Radsi si zajdu do obchodu a danou vec si koupim. To je asi jeden z nejvetsich rozdilu mezi mnou a moji sestrou. Ta zase vyrabi a dekoruje porad dokola. Kazdopadne tyhle cepicky s fascinatory ve stylu Jil Sander jsou naprosto jednoduche a levne, takze neni treba si porizovat drahou verzi. A navic je to asi takova vec, ve ktere pujdete mozna tak na Fashion Week, ale urcite ne rano pro rohliky. 

Koupila jsem si tuhle cepici v Primarku za 2 libry a sitku v John Lewis zhruba za stejnou cenu. Pak uz vam jenom zbyva nit, nuzky a jehla. Muzete si taky vybrat, zda chcete treba zavoj kolem celeho obvodu cepice nebo jenom ve predu. Tak jsem to zvolila ja. A vite co, vypada to docela sik. 

Tak kdo to zkusi?

Love Glamazon xoxo


  1. Asi nejspíš to vyzkouším, ale nevím jak se na to budou tvářit lidi v MHD :D

    1. No v CR je to risk....ale urcite to bude zabavne ty pohledy :)

  2. this really looks great and its probably not very hard to do it right? =)

  3. uzasne! myslim,ze do toho taky pudu, jen nevim, kam jit shanet tu sitku :D (party,love@&drama)

  4. Ty a DIY???? Nevěřím! :-D Ale je to super :-D

  5. The result is really similar to the original.

  6. to je strašně skvělý!!! dneska jdu hned navštívit galanterii a doma vyrábím...a budu s tím chodit klidně i pro ty rohlíky!!! )))



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