Aug 14, 2012

Warner Music Party in Pictures

Hey my dear readers,

Some of you may remember my party outfit few weeks ago when I attended pre-olympics party. I wanted to show you few more pictures from that night as it was real fun and we had such a good time there. My favourite performer was Flo Rida however Mark Ronson and Paolo Nuttini were great as well. I loved the whole atmosphere and the fashion of course. I guess the most snapped celebrity was Nicola Roberts who was wearing trainers with a long glam dress :) Well that can be an option too :)

Mozna si pamatuje, kdyz jsem pred par tydny vydala outfit post z party poradane na uvod Olympijskych her. Chtela jsem vam ukazat par momentek z toho vecera, protoze jsme se opravdu bavily. Ja jsem si uplne nejvic uzila predstaveni rapera Flo Ridy, ale Mark Ronson a Paolo Nuttini byli take uzasni. A to nemluvim o mode a celkove atmosfere. Nasledujici den probehlo britskym tiskem tolik fotografii a nejvetsi uspech slavila zpevacka Nicola Roberts, ktera si oblekla tenisky k dlouhym satum:) No je to taky moznost :)

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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