Apr 28, 2012

Hair Care

Hello darlings,

I got few emails from my readers where you asked me about the products I use for my hair. I have tried number of things but I have the funniest hair ever. My scalp is extremely dry and sensitive, my hair is thick and naturally wavy and the ends have tendency to be dry and frizzy. Well not the best combination :)

Here are few products I am really happy with and have been using them for a while. T Gel is one of the few shampoos that suits my scalp and trust me I have tried many. I use this for first washing and then I use Kerastase Biotic Bain Bio-Recharge hydrating shampoo that moisturizes my hair. And finally I apply conditioner by John Frieda. Apart of John Frieda shampoos I love all products. No matter what I try I always come back to these products.

Dostala jsem nekolik dotazu od ctenaru, jak se staram o vlasy. Vyzkousela jsem hodne znacek a produktu a protoze mam ty nejdivnejsi vlasy a strasne citlivou pokozku, tak nebylo snadne najit ty spravne vyrobky. Mam neskutecne citlivou pokozku, po nespravnem samponu dostanu alergickou reakci, takze pouzivam T Gel sampon na prvni pouziti a pote vlasy umyju hydratacnim samponem Kerastase Biotic Bain Bio-Recharge, ktery mi hydratuje vlasy samotne. Mam od prirody suche vlasy, ktere se vlni, takze hydratace je potrebna.

A samozrejme nesmi chybet kondicioner a ten pouzivam uz opravdu dlouho od znacky John Frieda. Celkove je to vlasova kosmetika, ke ktere se vzdy vratim. Nesedi mi pouze sampony. Pokud mam cas pouzivam i John Frieda masky na vlasy, ta mi momentalne dosla, takze vam ji nemohu ukazat. 

These are my styling products. To be honest I do not use them very often as I have very little time to do my hair properly. Thickening blow dry lotion is fantastic product if you want bit of volume. If you want straight and sleek hair go for Frizz-Ease straight fixation. The next products I do use are styling spray and fantastic Secret Agent. This is definitely the best out of these four and I have it in my hand bag all the time. It can safe you from hair disaster moments when you least expect it.

Nasledujici produkty slouzi spise k uprave. Abych se priznala, pouzivam je minimalne, nemam totiz cas si poradne upravovat vlasy. Vetsinou si vlasy nefoukam, pokud nejsem zrovna rano ve fitku a ani tam te uprave moc nedavam. Ale produkty samozrejme mohu doporucit, protoze kdyz se obcas rozhodnu, ze si vlasy upravim, tak tyhle jsou opravdu vyborne. John Frieda Thickening blow dry lotion je skvely vyrobek na vytvoreni objemu pri foukani. Druhy produkt z rady Frizz-Ease slouzi k dokonale hladkemu vzhledu. Dalsi dva produkty jsou take z rady Frizz Ease a prvni je stylingovy pripravek ke konecne uprave ve spreji a ten posledni si zaslouzi jednicku s hvezdickou. Secret Agent a ten sebou nosim v kabelce temer porad. Je to opravdu skvely produkt, ktery vas zachrani od vlasove pohromy at jste kdekoli.

And this is the best hair product I have ever used. Kendi oil from Bamboo range by Alterna. Perfect for frizzy and dry hair like mine. I use it after I washed my hair and it is truly amazing. You can either put it in your wet or dry hair. I do both. Although the best effect is just before you blow dry your hair.

I hope this article will be useful for few of us.

I believe that everybody is different and it is about finding that right thing that suits.

Have a fantastic day.

Love Glamazon xoxo
A tohle je uplne nejlepsi produkt, co jsem kdy na vlasy pouzila. Kendi oil z rady Bamboo od Alterny. Presne takovy produkt jsem hledala. Drive jsem pouzivala sera a oleje od Johna Friedy, ale tento vyrobek mym vlasu vyhovuje mnohem lepe. Pouzivam vam ho bud do vlhkych nebo suchych vlasu. Nejlepsi vysledek mam vzdy, kdyz si vlasy vyfoukam a vmasiruju olej pred tim do konecku.

Snad pro ty z vas, kteri mate podobnou strukturu vlasu je tento clanek uzitecny. Podle me kazdemu vyhovuje neco jineho a je treba hledat a hledat, az najdete ten spravny pripravek.

Preji krasny den.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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