Dec 14, 2011

Jezisku are you there?

Dear bloggers,

for those who does not know who Jezisek is? Its actually baby Jesus that brings presents to Czech kids and to kids in other countries. Well, I would not be upset if Santa would pop into my place as well...there is no harm to get double present load :)

Anyway, I am afraid that as I know where the presents come from I will leave it simple...this is one of the things I want .... Thank you.

Love Glamazon xoxo

Pro ty co nevi, kdo je Jezisek? No je to proste narozeny maly Jezis, ktery prinasi darky detem v Cesku a jinych zemich. No urcite se nebudu zlobit, kdyby k nam domu prisel i Santa...dvojta naloz darku..proc ne?

Ale jelikoz vim, kde se darky berou (ehm...a vi to i moje platebni karta)...tohle je jedna z veci, ktere chci..... Takze dekuji.

PS: A kdybys to nepoznal....Balenciaga City Bag...:D

Love Glamazon xoxo


  1. asi si letos budeme muset udělat ježíšky sami, což? já už to asi jinak nevidim:(


  2. nadhera, tesim sa az ju ukazes nazivo!:)



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