Hi Darlings,
OK, it is offical. I will have to find a new domain and I will also be working on a different design. In the meantime you have to use to this for a while :)
Well you may remember that I mentioned of facebook that I went mad and got one of these sporty tops and I love it. I would wear it exactly like this with heels and some gold jewellery.
Go sporty chic go.
Takze je to oficialni prisla jsem o starou domenu a taky budu predelavat design. Takze budu mit vse jak se rika v novem kabate. Musite si zvykat na zmeny a to i ja bohuzel.
Mimochodem si snad pamatujete, ze jsem na facebooku zminila, ze jsem si poridila jeden sportovni top. A asi takhle ho ho budu nosit, poradne podpatky a treba zlate doplnky.
Love Glamazon xoxo
Clothes: Atmosphere top, Aldo Heels, Marc Jacobs Clutch, Topshop Bracelent and Gold Earrings
V tom se musíš vyfotit! :)
ReplyDeleteFotku prosim :) Tie Aldo topanky su nadherne, ale bolia ma nohy, len sa na ne pozriem :D