Sep 19, 2012

Behind the camera....Georgiana Penova

Hey Guys,

I had a chance again to shoot to practice my hobby and this is a friend of mine Georgiana. We did the shoot as a part of our project which I mentioned this week already. Georgiana is a model so it was quite easy to work with her I must say.

Dalsi set fotografii, ktere jsem nafotila. Jak rikam porad, foceni je muj konicek a kdyz clovek nefoti, nemuze se zlepsovat. Tohle je moje kamaradka Georgiana, pracuje jako modelka, takze je jednoduche s ni pracovat. A navic jsme fotily hned po show behem fashion weeku, takze mela i skvely makeup :) Myslim, ze oci na nekterych fotografiich pusobi hodne magicky.

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo

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