May 30, 2012

Alexander Mcqueen sample sale

Hey sweethearts,

I took my mum to Alexander McQueen sample sale in London. She could not believe the line outside, the security guards and the whole system. Lot of fashion lovers, bit of chaos. Well but it was worth going. The prices were starting around 50 £ but I did not like anything that was so cheap. Although if you think that you can go there with 100£ and leave with full bags you are wrong. The scarves were from around 100 to 200 £, belts around 150 £ and shoes around 300 £ and more. I loved the selection of blazers that started around 50 £ and they had some wedding dresses as well. I will show you soon what I bought for myself :)

Love Glamazon xoxo

Vzala jsem maminku na sample sale Alexandra Mcqueena v Londyne. Trosku mela sok z rady, te spousty lidi, ochranky a vubec celeho systemu. No ale jako vzdy tento chaos stal za to. Ceny zacinaly okolo 50ti liber, ale jako vzdy se mi v teto cenove kategorii nic nelibilo. Prodavali i satky v rozmezi 100 az 200 liber, samozrejme zalezi na typu a materialu. Pasky a saka se daly poridit jiz od 150 liber a nasly se tam i svatebni saty. Ale zadne mensi castky neslo ani ocekavat. Brzo vam ukazu, co jsem si koupila ja :)

Mejte se krasne.

Love Glamazon xoxo


  1. Těším se na post o tom, co jis si koupila. Jinak slečna/paní s Lady Dior má pěkný outfit. :)



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